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Nessie Airflow Provider

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To use in airflow install via pip pip install airflow-provider-nessie. See Nessie Documentation for instructions on starting and using a Nessie server.

Operators and Hooks

To interact with Nessie from an airflow DAG you have the following options:

  • Nessie Hook: register as a connection w/ Airflow and store your Nessie url and credentials
  • Create reference operator: Create a Branch or Tag as part of an airflow DAG
  • Delete reference operator: Delete a Branch or Tag as part of an airflow DAG
  • Commit operator: commit objects to the Nessie database on a given branch
  • Merge operator: merge one branch into another

These can be seen in action by looking at the Example DAGs. The DAG shows each operator in action and the DAG shows a more complicated example of performing an iceberg transaction in Nessie from the Spark operator.


Setup environement

You should have Pipenv installed. Then, you can install the dependencies with:

pipenv install --dev

After that, activate the virtual environment:

pipenv shell

Run unit tests

You can run all the tests with:

make test

Alternatively, you can run pytest yourself:


Format the code

Execute the following command to apply isort and black formatting:

make format


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0.