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Python based CLI


The Python based CLI has been superseded by the new Nessie CLI. This Python CLI is currently no longer developed and does not support Nessie REST API v2.

The Nessie CLI is an easy way to get started with Nessie. It supports multiple branch and tag management capabilities. This is installed as pynessie via pip install pynessie. Additional information about pynessie and release notes can be found at the PyPI site.


# python 3 required
pip install pynessie


All the REST API calls are exposed via the command line interface. To see a list of what is available run:

$ nessie --help

All docs of the CLI can be found here.


You can configure the Nessie CLI by creating a configuration file as described below:

  • macOS: ~/.config/nessie and ~/Library/Application Support/nessie
  • Other Unix: ~/.config/nessie and /etc/nessie
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\nessie where the APPDATA environment variable falls back to %HOME%\AppData\Roaming if undefined
  • Via the environment variable DREMIO_CLIENTDIR

The default config file is as follows:

    # Authentication type can be: none, bearer or aws
    type: none

    # OpenID token for the "bearer" authentication type
    # token: <OpenID token>

    timeout: 10

# Nessie endpoint
endpoint: http://localhost/api/v1

# whether to skip SSL cert verification
verify: true 

Possible values for the auth.type property are:

  • none (default)
  • bearer
  • aws

When configuring authentication type bearer, the auth.token parameter should be set to a valid OpenID token. The token can be set in the Nessie configuration file, as an environment variable (details below), or by the --auth-token <TOKEN> command line option (for each command).

When configuring authentication type aws, the client delegates to the Boto library. You can configure credentials using any of the standard Boto AWS methods. Additionally, the Nessie auth.region parameter should be set to the relevant AWS region.

The command line interface can be configured with most of the above parameters via flags or by setting a config directory. The relevant configs can also be set via environment variables. These take precedence. The environment variable format is to append NESSIE_ to a config parameter and nested configs are separated by a _. For example: NESSIE_AUTH_TIMEOUT maps to auth.timeout in the default configuration file above.

Working with JSON

The Nessie CLI can return data in json format and can be used effectively with jq. For example:

$ nessie --json branch -l | jq .

The Nessie CLI is built on the great Python Click library. It requires Python 3.x.