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Server Configuration

The Nessie server is configurable via properties as listed in the file.

These properties can be set when starting up the docker image in two different ways. For example, if you want to set Nessie to use the JDBC version store and provide a JDBC connection URL, you can either:

  1. Set these values via the JAVA_OPTS_APPEND option in the Docker invocation. Each setting should be inserted inside the variable’s value as -D<name>=<value> pairs:

    docker run  -p 19120:19120 \
      -e JAVA_OPTS_APPEND=" -Dquarkus.datasource.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://" \
  2. Alternatively, set them via the --env (or -e) option in the Docker invocation. Each setting must be provided separately as --env NAME=value options:

    docker run -p 19120:19120 \
      --env QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL="jdbc:postgresql://" \

Note how the original property name is converted to an environment variable, e.g. becomes NESSIE_VERSION_STORE_TYPE. The conversion is done by replacing all . with _ and converting the name to upper case. See here for more details.

For more information on docker images, see Docker image options below.

Server sizing

The minimum resources for Nessie are 4 CPUs and 4 GB RAM.

The recommended resources for Nessie depend on the actual use case and usage pattern(s). We recommend to try various configurations, starting with 8 CPUs and 8 GB RAM.

The efficiency of Nessie’s cache can be monitored using the metrics provided with the cache=nessie-objects tag, especially the cache.gets values for hit/miss and the causes provided by cache.evictions.


Nessie is a stateless service that heavily depends on the performance of the backend database (request duration and throughput) and works best with distributed key-value databases. Nessie has a built-in cache. Caches require memory, the more memory, the more efficient is the cache and the fewer operations need to be performed against the backend database.


You can set the the configuration option to further reduce the load against the backing database. See Version Store Advanced Settings below.


Many things happen in parallel and some libraries that we have to depend on are not written in a “reactive way”, especially with Iceberg REST. While the Iceberg REST parts in Nessie are built in a “reactive way”, most Nessie core APIs are not.

Supported operating systems

Operating System Production Development & prototyping Comments
Linux ✔ ✔ Primarily supported operating systems, assuming recent kernel and distribution versions.
macOS ❌ ✔ Supported for development and testing purposes.
AIX ❌ ❌ Not tested, might work or not.
Solaris ❌ ❌ Not tested, might work or not.
Windows ❌ ❌ Not supported in any way. Nessie server and admin tool refuse to start.

Providing secrets

Instead of providing secrets like passwords in clear text, you can also use a keystore. This functionality is provided natively via Quarkus.

Core Nessie Configuration Settings

Core Settings

Nessie server configuration to be injected into the JAX-RS application.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.server.default-branch main string The default branch to use if not provided by the user.
nessie.server.send-stacktrace-to-client false boolean Whether stack traces should be sent to the client in case of error. The default is false to not expose internal details for security reasons.
nessie.server.access-checks-batch-size 100 int The number of entity-checks that are grouped into a call to BatchAccessChecker. The default value is quite conservative, it is the responsibility of the operator to adjust this value according to the capabilities of the actual authz implementation. Note that the number of checks can be slightly exceeded by the implementation, depending on the call site.

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description
quarkus.http.port 19120 int Sets the HTTP port for the Nessie REST API endpoints. 9000 int Sets the HTTP port for management endpoints (health, metrics, Swagger)


A complete set of configuration options for Quarkus can be found on


Reverse Proxy Settings

These config options are mentioned only for documentation purposes. Consult the Quarkus documentation for “Running behind a reverse proxy” and configure those depending on your actual needs.

Do NOT enable these option unless your reverse proxy (for example istio or nginx) is properly setup to set these headers but also filter those from incoming requests.

Catalog and Iceberg REST Settings

Property Default Value Type Description true boolean Nessie tries to verify the connectivity to the object stores configured for each warehouse and exposes this information as a readiness check. It is recommended to leave this setting enabled.

Warehouse defaults

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.warehouseDefaults.default-warehouse string Name of the default warehouse. This one is used when a warehouse is not specified in a query. If no default warehouse is configured and a request does not specify a warehouse, the request will fail.
nessie.catalog.warehouseDefaults.iceberg-config-defaults.<iceberg-property> string Iceberg config defaults applicable to all clients and warehouses. Any properties that are common to all iceberg clients should be included here. They will be passed to all clients on all warehouses as config defaults. These defaults can be overridden on a per-warehouse basis, see iceberg-config-defaults in Warehouses.
nessie.catalog.warehouseDefaults.iceberg-config-overrides.<iceberg-property> string Iceberg config overrides applicable to all clients and warehouses. Any properties that are common to all iceberg clients should be included here. They will be passed to all clients on all warehouses as config overrides. These overrides can be overridden on a per-warehouse basis, see iceberg-config-overrides in Warehouses.


Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.warehouses.warehouses.<warehouse-name> `` Map of warehouse names to warehouse configurations.
nessie.catalog.warehouses.warehouses.<warehouse-name>.iceberg-config-defaults.<iceberg-property> string Iceberg config defaults specific to this warehouse, potentially overriding any defaults specified in iceberg-config-defaults in Warehouse defaults .
nessie.catalog.warehouses.warehouses.<warehouse-name>.iceberg-config-overrides.<iceberg-property> string Iceberg config overrides specific to this warehouse. They override any overrides specified in iceberg-config-overrides in Warehouse defaults.
nessie.catalog.warehouses.warehouses.<warehouse-name>.location string Location of the warehouse. Used to determine the base location of a table.

S3 settings

Configuration for S3 compatible object stores.

Default settings to be applied to all buckets can be set in the default-options group. Specific settings for each bucket can be specified via the buckets map.

All settings are optional. The defaults of these settings are defined by the AWSSDK Java client.

S3 transport
Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.expect-continue-enabled boolean Override default behavior whether to expect an HTTP/100-Continue.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.connection-time-to-live duration Override default time-time of a pooled connection.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.connection-max-idle-time duration Override default max idle time of a pooled connection.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.connection-acquisition-timeout duration Override default connection acquisition timeout. This is the time a request will wait for a connection from the pool.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.connect-timeout duration Override the default TCP connect timeout. duration Override the default connection read timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.http.max-http-connections int Override the default maximum number of pooled connections. boolean Instruct the S3 HTTP client to accept all SSL certificates, if set to true. Enabling this option is dangerous, it is strongly recommended to leave this option unset or false . path Override to set the file path to a custom SSL trust store. and must be supplied as well when providing a custom trust store.

When running in k8s or Docker, the path is local within the pod/container and must be explicitly mounted. string Override to set the type of the custom SSL trust store specified in .

Supported types include JKS, PKCS12, and all key store types supported by Java 17. `` Override to set the password for the custom SSL trust store specified in . string
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.key-store.path path Override to set the file path to a custom SSL key store. nessie.catalog.service.s3.key-store.type and nessie.catalog.service.s3.key-store.password must be supplied as well when providing a custom key store.

When running in k8s or Docker, the path is local within the pod/container and must be explicitly mounted.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.key-store.type string Override to set the type of the custom SSL key store specified in nessie.catalog.service.s3.key-store.path .

Supported types include JKS, PKCS12, and all key store types supported by Java 17.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.key-store.password `` Override to set the password for the custom SSL key store specified in nessie.catalog.service.s3.key-store.path .
nessie.catalog.service.s3.transport.key-store.password.key string
S3 STS, assume-role global settings
Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.s3.sts.sts.session-grace-period duration The time period to subtract from the S3 session credentials (assumed role credentials) expiry time to define the time when those credentials become eligible for refreshing.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.sts.sts.session-cache-max-size int Maximum number of entries to keep in the session credentials cache (assumed role credentials).
nessie.catalog.service.s3.sts.sts.clients-cache-max-size int Maximum number of entries to keep in the STS clients cache.
S3 default bucket settings

Default bucket configuration, default/fallback values for all buckets are taken from this one.

Property Default Value Type Description string The name of the bucket. If unset, the name of the bucket will be extracted from the configuration option, e.g. if is set, the bucket name will be my-bucket; otherwise, it will be bucket1.

This should only be defined if the bucket name contains non-alphanumeric characters, such as dots or dashes.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.server-auth-mode APPLICATION_GLOBAL, STATIC The authentication mode to use by the Catalog server. If not set, the default is STATIC . Depending on the authentication mode, other properties may be required.

Valid values are:

* APPLICATION_GLOBAL: Use the AWSSDK default credentials provider .
* STATIC: Static credentials provided through the access-key option.

nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.client-auth-mode REQUEST_SIGNING, ASSUME_ROLE Controls the authentication mode for Catalog clients accessing this bucket. If not set, the default is REQUEST_SIGNING.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.endpoint uri Endpoint URI, required for private (non-AWS) clouds, specified either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.

If the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server and clients differ, this one defines the endpoint used for the Nessie server.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.external-endpoint uri When using a specific endpoint (endpoint) and the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server differ, you can specify the URI passed down to clients using this setting. Otherwise, clients will receive the value from the endpoint setting.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.path-style-access boolean Whether to use path-style access. If true, path-style access will be used, as in: https://<domain>/<bucket> . If false, a virtual-hosted style will be used instead, as in: https://<bucket>.<domain>. If unspecified, the default will depend on the cloud provider.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.access-point string AWS Access point for this bucket. Access points can be used to perform S3 operations by specifying a mapping of bucket to access points. This is useful for multi-region access, cross-region access, disaster recovery, etc.

See: Access Points
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.allow-cross-region-access-point boolean Authorize cross-region calls when contacting an access-point.

By default, attempting to use an access point in a different region will throw an exception. When enabled, this property allows using access points in other regions.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.region string DNS name of the region, required for AWS. The region must be specified for AWS, either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.access-key `` An access-key-id and secret-access-key must be configured using the name and secret fields, either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.

Required when server-authentication-mode is STATIC.

For STS, this defines the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID to be used as a basic credential for obtaining temporary session credentials. string
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.access-key.secret string
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.sts-endpoint uri The Security Token Service endpoint.

This parameter must be set when running in a private (non-AWS) cloud and the catalog is configured to use S3 sessions (e.g. to use the “assume role” functionality).
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.assume-role string The ARN of the role to assume for accessing S3 data. This parameter is required for Amazon S3, but may not be required for other storage providers (e.g. Minio does not use it at all).

If this option is defined, the server will attempt to assume the role at startup and cache the returned session credentials.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.session-iam-policy string IAM policy in JSON format to be used as an inline session policy (optional).

See: AssumeRoleRequest#policy()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.role-session-name string An identifier for the assumed role session. This parameter is most important in cases when the same role is assumed by different principals in different use cases.

See: AssumeRoleRequest#roleSessionName()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.external-id string An identifier for the party assuming the role. This parameter must match the external ID configured in IAM rules that govern the assume role process for the specified role-arn.

This parameter is essential in preventing the Confused Deputy problem.

See: AssumeRoleRequest#externalId()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.default-options.default-options.client-session-duration duration A higher bound estimate of the expected duration of client “sessions” working with data in this bucket. A session, for example, is the lifetime of an Iceberg REST catalog object on the client side. This value is used for validating expiration times of credentials associated with the warehouse.

This parameter is relevant only when client-authentication-mode is ASSUME_ROLE .
S3 per bucket settings

Per-bucket configurations. The effective value for a bucket is taken from the per-bucket setting. If no per-bucket setting is present, uses the values from top-level S3 settings.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.name string The name of the bucket. If unset, the name of the bucket will be extracted from the configuration option, e.g. if is set, the bucket name will be my-bucket; otherwise, it will be bucket1.

This should only be defined if the bucket name contains non-alphanumeric characters, such as dots or dashes.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.server-auth-mode APPLICATION_GLOBAL, STATIC The authentication mode to use by the Catalog server. If not set, the default is STATIC . Depending on the authentication mode, other properties may be required.

Valid values are:

* APPLICATION_GLOBAL: Use the AWSSDK default credentials provider .
* STATIC: Static credentials provided through the access-key option.

nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.client-auth-mode REQUEST_SIGNING, ASSUME_ROLE Controls the authentication mode for Catalog clients accessing this bucket. If not set, the default is REQUEST_SIGNING.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.endpoint uri Endpoint URI, required for private (non-AWS) clouds, specified either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.

If the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server and clients differ, this one defines the endpoint used for the Nessie server.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.external-endpoint uri When using a specific endpoint (endpoint) and the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server differ, you can specify the URI passed down to clients using this setting. Otherwise, clients will receive the value from the endpoint setting.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.path-style-access boolean Whether to use path-style access. If true, path-style access will be used, as in: https://<domain>/<bucket> . If false, a virtual-hosted style will be used instead, as in: https://<bucket>.<domain>. If unspecified, the default will depend on the cloud provider.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.access-point string AWS Access point for this bucket. Access points can be used to perform S3 operations by specifying a mapping of bucket to access points. This is useful for multi-region access, cross-region access, disaster recovery, etc.

See: Access Points
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.allow-cross-region-access-point boolean Authorize cross-region calls when contacting an access-point.

By default, attempting to use an access point in a different region will throw an exception. When enabled, this property allows using access points in other regions.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.region string DNS name of the region, required for AWS. The region must be specified for AWS, either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.access-key `` An access-key-id and secret-access-key must be configured using the name and secret fields, either per bucket or in the top-level S3 settings.

Required when server-authentication-mode is STATIC.

For STS, this defines the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID to be used as a basic credential for obtaining temporary session credentials.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name> string
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.access-key.secret string
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.sts-endpoint uri The Security Token Service endpoint.

This parameter must be set when running in a private (non-AWS) cloud and the catalog is configured to use S3 sessions (e.g. to use the “assume role” functionality).
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.assume-role string The ARN of the role to assume for accessing S3 data. This parameter is required for Amazon S3, but may not be required for other storage providers (e.g. Minio does not use it at all).

If this option is defined, the server will attempt to assume the role at startup and cache the returned session credentials.
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.session-iam-policy string IAM policy in JSON format to be used as an inline session policy (optional).

See: AssumeRoleRequest#policy()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.role-session-name string An identifier for the assumed role session. This parameter is most important in cases when the same role is assumed by different principals in different use cases.

See: AssumeRoleRequest#roleSessionName()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.external-id string An identifier for the party assuming the role. This parameter must match the external ID configured in IAM rules that govern the assume role process for the specified role-arn.

This parameter is essential in preventing the Confused Deputy problem.

See: AssumeRoleRequest#externalId()
nessie.catalog.service.s3.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.client-session-duration duration A higher bound estimate of the expected duration of client “sessions” working with data in this bucket. A session, for example, is the lifetime of an Iceberg REST catalog object on the client side. This value is used for validating expiration times of credentials associated with the warehouse.

This parameter is relevant only when client-authentication-mode is ASSUME_ROLE .

Google Cloud Storage settings


Support for GCS is experimental.

GCS transport
Property Default Value Type Description duration Override the default read timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.connect-timeout duration Override the default connection timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.max-attempts int Override the default maximum number of attempts.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.logical-timeout duration Override the default logical request timeout. duration Override the default total timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.initial-retry-delay duration Override the default initial retry delay.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.max-retry-delay duration Override the default maximum retry delay.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.retry-delay-multiplier double Override the default retry delay multiplier.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.initial-rpc-timeout duration Override the default initial RPC timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.max-rpc-timeout duration Override the default maximum RPC timeout.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.transport.rpc-timeout-multiplier double Override the default RPC timeout multiplier.
GCS default bucket settings

Default bucket configuration, default/fallback values for all buckets are taken from this one.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.auth-type NONE, USER, SERVICE_ACCOUNT, ACCESS_TOKEN, APPLICATION_DEFAULT The authentication type to use. If not set, the default is NONE.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.auth-credentials-json string Auth-credentials-JSON, this value is the name of the credential to use, the actual credential is defined via secrets.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.encryption-key string Customer-supplied AES256 key for blob encryption when writing.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.decryption-key string Customer-supplied AES256 key for blob decryption when reading. uri The default endpoint override to use. The endpoint is almost always used for testing purposes.

If the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server and clients differ, this one defines the endpoint used for the Nessie server.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.external-host uri When using a specific endpoint, see host, and the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server differ, you can specify the URI passed down to clients using this setting. Otherwise, clients will receive the value from the host setting.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.user-project string Optionally specify the user project (Google term).
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.project-id string The Google project ID.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.quota-project-id string The Google quota project ID.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.client-lib-token string The Google client lib token.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.oauth2-token `` OAuth2 token, this value is the name of the credential to use, the actual credential is defined via secrets.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.oauth2-token.token string
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.oauth2-token.expires-at instant int The read chunk size in bytes.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.write-chunk-size int The write chunk size in bytes.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.default-options.default-options.delete-batch-size int The delete batch size.
GCS per bucket settings

Per-bucket configurations. The effective value for a bucket is taken from the per-bucket setting. If no per-bucket setting is present, uses the defaults from the top-level GCS settings.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.name string The name of the bucket. If unset, the name of the bucket will be extracted from the configuration option, e.g. if is set, the bucket name will be my-bucket; otherwise, it will be bucket1.

This should only be defined if the bucket name contains non-alphanumeric characters, such as dots or dashes.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.auth-type NONE, USER, SERVICE_ACCOUNT, ACCESS_TOKEN, APPLICATION_DEFAULT The authentication type to use. If not set, the default is NONE.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.auth-credentials-json string Auth-credentials-JSON, this value is the name of the credential to use, the actual credential is defined via secrets.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.encryption-key string Customer-supplied AES256 key for blob encryption when writing.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.decryption-key string Customer-supplied AES256 key for blob decryption when reading.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.host uri The default endpoint override to use. The endpoint is almost always used for testing purposes.

If the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server and clients differ, this one defines the endpoint used for the Nessie server.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.external-host uri When using a specific endpoint, see host, and the endpoint URIs for the Nessie server differ, you can specify the URI passed down to clients using this setting. Otherwise, clients will receive the value from the host setting.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.user-project string Optionally specify the user project (Google term).
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.project-id string The Google project ID.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.quota-project-id string The Google quota project ID.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.client-lib-token string The Google client lib token.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.oauth2-token `` OAuth2 token, this value is the name of the credential to use, the actual credential is defined via secrets.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.oauth2-token.token string
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.oauth2-token.expires-at instant
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.read-chunk-size int The read chunk size in bytes.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.write-chunk-size int The write chunk size in bytes.
nessie.catalog.service.gcs.buckets.buckets.<bucket-name>.delete-batch-size int The delete batch size.

ADLS settings


Support for ADLS is experimental.

Configuration for ADLS Gen2 object stores.

Default settings to be applied to all “file systems” (think: buckets) can be set in the default-options group. Specific settings for each file system can be specified via the file-systems map.

All settings are optional. The defaults of these settings are defined by the ADLS client supplied by Microsoft. See Azure SDK for Java documentation

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.adls.configuration.<name> string Custom settings for the ADLS Java client. int Override the default read block size used when writing to ADLS.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.write-block-size long Override the default write block size used when writing to ADLS.
ADLS transport
Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.adls.transport.max-http-connections int Override the default maximum number of HTTP connections that Nessie can use against all ADLS Gen2 object stores.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.transport.connect-timeout duration Override the default TCP connect timeout for HTTP connections against ADLS Gen2 object stores.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.transport.connection-idle-timeout duration Override the default idle timeout for HTTP connections.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.transport.write-timeout duration Override the default write timeout for HTTP connections. duration Override the default read timeout for HTTP connections.
ADLS default file-system settings

Default file-system configuration, default/fallback values for all file-systems are taken from this one.

Property Default Value Type Description string SAS token to access the ADLS file system.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.auth-type NONE, STORAGE_SHARED_KEY, SAS_TOKEN, APPLICATION_DEFAULT The authentication type to use.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.account `` Fully-qualified account name, e.g. "" and account key, configured using the name and secret fields. If not specified, it will be queried via the configured credentials provider.

It is strongly recommended to use the SAS token instead of a shared account! string
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.account.secret string
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.endpoint string Define a custom HTTP endpoint. In case clients need to use a different URI, use the .external-endpoint setting.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.external-endpoint string Define a custom HTTP endpoint, this value is used by clients.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.retry-policy NONE, EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF, FIXED_DELAY Configure the retry strategy.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.max-retries int Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.try-timeout duration Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.retry-delay duration Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.default-options.default-options.max-retry-delay duration Mandatory, if EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF is configured.
ADLS per file-system settings

ADLS file-system specific options, per file system name.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.name string The name of the filesystem. If unset, the name of the bucket will be extracted from the configuration option, e.g. if is set, the name of the filesystem will be my-filesystem; otherwise, it will be filesystem1.

This should only be defined if the filesystem name contains non-alphanumeric characters, such as dots or dashes.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.sas-token string SAS token to access the ADLS file system.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.auth-type NONE, STORAGE_SHARED_KEY, SAS_TOKEN, APPLICATION_DEFAULT The authentication type to use.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.account `` Fully-qualified account name, e.g. "" and account key, configured using the name and secret fields. If not specified, it will be queried via the configured credentials provider.

It is strongly recommended to use the SAS token instead of a shared account!
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name> string
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.account.secret string
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.endpoint string Define a custom HTTP endpoint. In case clients need to use a different URI, use the .external-endpoint setting.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.external-endpoint string Define a custom HTTP endpoint, this value is used by clients.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.retry-policy NONE, EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF, FIXED_DELAY Configure the retry strategy.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.max-retries int Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.try-timeout duration Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.retry-delay duration Mandatory, if any retry-policy is configured.
nessie.catalog.service.adls.buckets.file-systems.<filesystem-name>.max-retry-delay duration Mandatory, if EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF is configured.

Advanced catalog settings

Error Handling
Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.error-handling.error-handling.throttled-retry-after PT10S duration Advanced property. The time interval after which a request is retried when storage I/O responds with some “retry later” response.
Performance Tuning
Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.catalog.service.imports.max-concurrent 32 int Advanced property, defines the maximum number of concurrent imports from object stores.
nessie.catalog.service.tasks.threads.max -1 int Advanced property, defines the maximum number of threads for async tasks like imports.
nessie.catalog.service.tasks.threads.keep-alive PT2S duration Advanced thread pool setting for async tasks like imports.
nessie.catalog.service.tasks.minimum-delay PT0.001S duration Advanced thread pool setting for async tasks like imports.
nessie.catalog.service.race.wait.min PT0.005S duration Advanced thread pool setting for async tasks like imports.
nessie.catalog.service.race.wait.max PT0.250S duration Advanced thread pool setting for async tasks like imports.

Version Store Settings

Version store configuration.

Property Default Value Type Description IN_MEMORY IN_MEMORY, ROCKSDB, DYNAMODB, MONGODB, CASSANDRA, JDBC, BIGTABLE Sets which type of version store to use by Nessie. true boolean Sets whether events for the version-store are enabled. In order for events to be published, it’s not enough to enable them in the configuration; you also need to provide at least one implementation of Nessie’s EventListener SPI.

Support for the database specific implementations

Database Status Configuration value for Notes
“in memory” only for development and local testing IN_MEMORY Do not use for any serious use case.
RocksDB production, single node only ROCKSDB
Google BigTable production BIGTABLE
MongoDB production MONGODB
Amazon DynamoDB beta, only tested against the simulator DYNAMODB Not recommended for use with Nessie Catalog (Iceberg REST) due to its restrictive row-size limit.
PostgreSQL production JDBC
H2 only for development and local testing JDBC Do not use for any serious use case.
MariaDB experimental, feedback welcome JDBC
MySQL experimental, feedback welcome JDBC Works by connecting the MariaDB driver to a MySQL server.
CockroachDB experimental, known issues JDBC Known to raise user-facing “write too old” errors under contention.
Apache Cassandra experimental, known issues CASSANDRA Known to raise user-facing errors due to Cassandra’s concept of letting the driver timeout too early, or database timeouts.
ScyllaDB experimental, known issues CASSANDRA Known to raise user-facing errors due to Cassandra’s concept of letting the driver timeout too early, or database timeouts. Known to be slow in container based testing. Unclear how good Scylla’s LWT implementation performs.


Relational databases are generally slower and tend to become a bottleneck when concurrent Nessie commits against the same branch happen. This is a general limitation of relational databases and the actual unpleasant performance penalty depends on the relational database itself, its configuration and whether and how replication is enabled.

BigTable Version Store Settings

When setting which enables Google BigTable as the version store used by the Nessie server, the following configurations are applicable.

Property Default Value Type Description nessie string Sets the instance-id to be used with Google BigTable. 8086 int When using the BigTable emulator, used to configure the port. true boolean Enables telemetry with OpenCensus. string Prefix for tables, default is no prefix. false boolean string Sets the profile-id to be used with Google BigTable. string Google BigTable quote project ID (optional). string Google BigTable endpoint (if not default). string Google BigTable MTLS endpoint (if not default). string When using the BigTable emulator, used to configure the host.<mapping> string Google BigTable JWT audience mappings (if necessary). duration Initial retry delay. duration Max retry-delay. double int Maximum number of attempts for each Bigtable API call (including retries). duration Initial RPC timeout. duration double duration Total timeout (including retries) for Bigtable API calls. int Minimum number of gRPC channels. Refer to Google docs for details. int Maximum number of gRPC channels. Refer to Google docs for details. int Initial number of gRPC channels. Refer to Google docs for details int Minimum number of RPCs per channel. Refer to Google docs for details. int Maximum number of RPCs per channel. Refer to Google docs for details.

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description String The Google project ID, mandatory.
(Google authentication) See Quarkiverse for documentation.


A complete set of Google Cloud & BigTable configuration options for Quarkus can be found on Quarkiverse.

JDBC Version Store Settings

Setting enables transactional/RDBMS as the version store used by the Nessie server.

Configuration of the datastore will be done by Quarkus and depends on many factors, such as the actual database to use. The property will be used to select one of the built-in datasources; currently supported values are: postgresql (which activates the PostgresQL driver), mariadb (which activates the MariaDB driver), and mysql (which targets MySQL backends, but using the MariaDB driver).

For example, to configure a PostgresQL connection, the following configuration should be used:

  • quarkus.datasource.postgresql.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_database
  • quarkus.datasource.postgresql.username=<your username>
  • quarkus.datasource.postgresql.password=<your password>
  • Other PostgresQL-specific properties can be set using quarkus.datasource.postgresql.*

To connect to a MariaDB database instead, the following configuration should be used:

  • quarkus.datasource.mariadb.jdbc.url=jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/my_database
  • quarkus.datasource.mariadb.username=<your username>
  • quarkus.datasource.mariadb.password=<your password>
  • Other MariaDB-specific properties can be set using quarkus.datasource.mariadb.*

To connect to a MySQL database instead, the following configuration should be used:

  • quarkus.datasource.mysql.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database
  • quarkus.datasource.mysql.username=<your username>
  • quarkus.datasource.mysql.password=<your password>
  • Other MySQL-specific properties can be set using quarkus.datasource.mysql.*

To connect to an H2 in-memory database, the following configuration should be used (note that H2 is not recommended for production):


Note: for MySQL, the MariaDB driver is used, as it is compatible with MySQL. You can use either jdbc:mysql or jdbc:mariadb as the URL prefix.

A complete set of JDBC configuration options can be found on

Property Default Value Type Description string The name of the datasource to use. Must correspond to a configured datasource under quarkus.datasource.<name> . Supported values are: postgresql mariadb, mysql and h2. If not provided, the default Quarkus datasource, defined using the quarkus.datasource.* configuration keys, will be used (the corresponding driver is PostgresQL). Note that it is recommended to define “named” JDBC datasources, see Quarkus JDBC config reference . string The JDBC catalog name.

Deprecated This setting has never worked as expected and is now ineffective. The catalog must be specified directly in the JDBC URL using the option quarkus.datasource.*.jdbc.url . string The JDBC schema name.

Deprecated This setting has never worked as expected and is now ineffective. The schema must be specified directly in the JDBC URL using the option quarkus.datasource.*.jdbc.url .

RocksDB Version Store Settings

When setting which enables RocksDB as the version store used by the Nessie server, the following configurations are applicable.

Property Default Value Type Description /tmp/nessie-rocksdb-store path Sets RocksDB storage path.

Cassandra Version Store Settings

When setting which enables Apache Cassandra or ScyllaDB as the version store used by the Nessie server, the following configurations are applicable.

Property Default Value Type Description PT3S duration Timeout used for queries and updates. PT5S duration Timeout used when creating tables.

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description
quarkus.cassandra.keyspace String The Cassandra keyspace to use. String The Cassandra contact points, see Quarkus docs.
quarkus.cassandra.local-datacenter String The Cassandra local datacenter to use, see Quarkus docs.
quarkus.cassandra.auth.username String Cassandra authentication username, see Quarkus docs.
quarkus.cassandra.auth.password String Cassandra authentication password, see Quarkus docs. false boolean See Quarkus docs.


A complete set of the Quarkus Cassandra extension configuration options can be found on

DynamoDB Version Store Settings

When setting which enables DynamoDB as the version store used by the Nessie server, the following configurations are applicable.

Property Default Value Type Description string Prefix for tables, default is no prefix.

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description String Sets DynamoDB AWS region. default String See Quarkiverse docs for possible values. Sets the credentials provider that should be used to authenticate with AWS.
quarkus.dynamodb.endpoint-override URI Sets the endpoint URI with which the SDK should communicate. If not specified, an appropriate endpoint to be used for the given service and region.
quarkus.dynamodb.sync-client.type url String Possible values are: url, apache. Sets the type of the sync HTTP client implementation


A complete set of DynamoDB configuration options for Quarkus can be found on Quarkiverse.

MongoDB Version Store Settings

When setting which enables MongoDB as the version store used by the Nessie server, the following configurations are applicable in combination with

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description
quarkus.mongodb.database String Sets MongoDB database name.
quarkus.mongodb.connection-string String Sets MongoDB connection string.


A complete set of MongoDB configuration options for Quarkus can be found on

In-Memory Version Store Settings

No special configuration options for this store type.

Version Store Advanced Settings

The following configurations are advanced configurations for version stores to configure how Nessie will store the data into the configured data store:

Usually, only the cache-capacity should be adjusted to the amount of the Java heap “available” for the cache. The default is conservative, bumping the cache size is recommended.

Property Default Value Type Description (empty) string Nessie repository ID (optional) that identifies a particular Nessie storage repository.

When remote (shared) database is used, multiple Nessie repositories may co-exist in the same database (and in the same schema). In that case this configuration parameter can be used to distinguish those repositories. 2147483647 int maximum retries for CAS-like operations. Used when committing to Nessie, when the HEAD (or tip) of a branch changed during the commit, this value defines the maximum number of retries. Default means unlimited.

See: #retryMaxSleepMillis() 5000 long Timeout for CAS-like operations in milliseconds.

See: #retryMaxSleepMillis() 5 long When the commit logic has to retry an operation due to a concurrent, conflicting update to the database state, usually a concurrent change to a branch HEAD, this parameter defines the initial lower bound of the exponential backoff.

See: #retryMaxSleepMillis() 25 long When the commit logic has to retry an operation due to a concurrent, conflicting update to the database state, usually a concurrent change to a branch HEAD, this parameter defines the initial upper bound of the exponential backoff.

See: #retryMaxSleepMillis() 250 long When the commit logic has to retry an operation due to a concurrent, conflicting update to the database state, usually a concurrent change to a branch HEAD, this parameter defines the maximum sleep time. Each retry doubles the lower and upper bounds of the random sleep time, unless the doubled upper bound would exceed the value of this configuration property.

See: #retryInitialSleepMillisUpper() 20 int Number of parent-commit-hashes stored in each commit. This is used to allow bulk-fetches when accessing the commit log. 204800 int The maximum allowed serialized size of the content index structure in a reference index segment. This value is used to determine, when elements in a reference index segment need to be split.

Note: this value must be smaller than a database’s hard item/row size limit. 51200 int The maximum allowed serialized size of the content index structure in a Nessie commit, called incremental index. This value is used to determine, when elements in an incremental index, which were kept from previous commits, need to be pushed to a new or updated reference index.

Note: this value must be smaller than a database’s hard item/row size limit. 50 int Maximum number of referenced index objects stored inside commit objects.

If the external reference index for this commit consists of up to this amount of stripes, the references to the stripes will be stored inside the commit object. If there are more than this amount of stripes, an external index segment will be created instead. 5000000 long Assumed wall-clock drift between multiple Nessie instances in microseconds. 20 int Named references keep a history of up to this amount of previous HEAD pointers, and up to the configured age. 300 long Named references keep a history of previous HEAD pointers with this age in seconds, and up to the configured amount. int Fixed amount of heap used to cache objects, set to 0 to disable the cache entirely. Must not be used with fractional cache sizing. See description for cache-capacity-fraction-of-heap for the default value. int When using fractional cache sizing, this amount in MB is the minimum cache size. double Fraction of Java’s max heap size to use for cache objects, set to 0 to disable. Must not be used with fixed cache sizing. If neither this value nor a fixed size is configured, a default of .7 (70%) is assumed. int When using fractional cache sizing, this amount in MB of the heap will always be “kept free” when calculating the cache size. duration Defines the duration how long references shall be kept in the cache. Defaults to not cache references. If reference caching is enabled, it is highly recommended to also enable negative reference caching.

It is safe to enable this for single node Nessie deployments.

Recommended value is currently PT5M for distributed and high values like PT1H for single node Nessie deployments.

This feature is experimental except for single Nessie node deployments! If in doubt, leave this un-configured! duration Defines the duration how long sentinels for non-existing references shall be kept in the cache (negative reference caching).

Defaults to reference-cache-ttl. Has no effect, if reference-cache-ttl is not configured. Default is not enabled. If reference caching is enabled, it is highly recommended to also enable negative reference caching.

It is safe to enable this for single node Nessie deployments.

Recommended value is currently PT5M for distributed and high values like PT1H for single node Nessie deployments.

This feature is experimental except for single Nessie node deployments! If in doubt, leave this un-configured! list of string Host names or IP addresses or kubernetes headless-service name of all Nessie server instances accessing the same repository.

This value is automatically configured via the Nessie Helm chart or the Kubernetes operator (not released yet), you don’t need any additional configuration for distributed cache invalidations - it’s setup and configured automatically. If you have your own Helm chart or custom deployment, make sure to configure the IPs of all Nessie instances here.

Names that start with an equal sign are not resolved but used “as is”. list of string List of cache-invalidation tokens to authenticate incoming cache-invalidation messages. /nessie-management/cache-coherency string URI of the cache-invalidation endpoint, only available on the Quarkus management port, defaults to 9000. PT10S duration Interval of service-name lookups to resolve the service names (#cacheInvalidationServiceNames()) into IP addresses. 20 int duration

Authentication settings

Configuration for Nessie authentication settings.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.server.authentication.enabled false boolean Enable Nessie authentication.

Related Quarkus settings:

Property Default values Type Description
quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url String Sets the base URL of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) server if nessie.server.authentication.enabled=true
quarkus.oidc.client-id String Sets client-id of the application if nessie.server.authentication.enabled=true. Each application has a client-id that is used to identify the application.

Authorization settings

Configuration for Nessie authorization settings.

Property Default Value Type Description
nessie.server.authorization.enabled false boolean Enable Nessie authorization.
nessie.server.authorization.type CEL string Sets the authorizer type to use.
nessie.server.authorization.rules.<name> string CEL authorization rules where the key represents the rule id and the value the CEL expression.


Metrics are published using Micrometer; they are available from Nessie’s management interface (port 9000 by default) under the path /q/metrics. For example, if the server is running on localhost, the metrics can be accessed via http://localhost:9000/q/metrics.

Metrics can be scraped by Prometheus or any compatible metrics scraping server. See: Prometheus for more information.

Additional tags can be added to the metrics by setting the nessie.metrics.tags.* property. Each tag is a key-value pair, where the key is the tag name and the value is the tag value. For example, to add a tag environment=prod to all metrics, set nessie.metrics.tags.environment=prod. Many tags can be added, such as below:


Note that by default Nessie adds one tag: application=Nessie. You can override this tag by setting the nessie.metrics.tags.application=<new-value> property.

A standard Grafana dashboard is available in the grafana directory of the Nessie repository [here] ( You can use this dashboard to visualize the metrics scraped by Prometheus. Note that this dashboard is a starting point and may need to be customized to fit your specific needs.

This Grafana dashboard expects the metrics to have a few tags defined: service and instance. The instance tag is generally added by Prometheus automatically, but the service tag needs to be added manually. You can configure Nessie to add this tag to all metrics by setting the below property:


Alternatively, you can modify the dashboard to remove unnecessary tags, or configure Prometheus to add the missing ones. Here is an example configuration showing how to have the service tag added by Prometheus:

  - job_name: 'nessie'
    metrics_path: /q/metrics
      - targets: ['nessie:9000']
          service: nessie


Since Nessie 0.46.0, traces are published using OpenTelemetry. See Using OpenTelemetry in the Quarkus documentation.

In order for the server to enable OpenTelemetry and publish its traces, the quarkus.otel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint property must be defined. Its value must be a valid collector endpoint URL, with either http:// or https:// scheme. The collector must talk the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) and the port must be its gRPC port (by default 4317), e.g. “http://otlp-collector:4317”. If this property is not set, the server will not publish traces.

Alternatively, it’s possible to forcibly disable OpenTelemetry at runtime by setting the following property: quarkus.otel.sdk.disabled=true.

Troubleshooting traces

If the server is unable to publish traces, check first for a log warning message like the following:

SEVERE [] (OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...) Failed to export spans. 
The request could not be executed. Full error message: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4317

This means that the server is unable to connect to the collector. Check that the collector is running and that the URL is correct.

Swagger UI

The Swagger UI allows for testing the REST API and reading the API docs. It is available via localhost:9000/q/swagger-ui

Docker image options

By default, Nessie listens on port 19120. To expose that port on the host, use -p 19120:19120. To expose that port on a different port on the host system, use the -p option and map the internal port to some port on the host. For example, to expose Nessie on port 8080 of the host system, use the following command:

docker run -p 8080:19120

Then you can browse Nessie’s UI on the host by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080.

Note: this doesn’t change the port Nessie listens on, it only changes the port on the host system that is mapped to the port Nessie listens on. Nessie still listens on port 19120 inside the container. If you want to change the port Nessie listens on, you can use the QUARKUS_HTTP_PORT environment variable. For example, to make Nessie listen on port 8080 inside the container, and expose it to the host system also on 8080, use the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e QUARKUS_HTTP_PORT=8080

Nessie Docker image types

Nessie publishes a Java based multiplatform (for amd64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x) image running on OpenJDK 17.

Advanced Docker image tuning (Java images only)

There are many environment variables available to configure the Docker image. If in doubt, leave everything at its default. You can configure the behavior using the following environment variables. They come from the base image used by Nessie, ubi9/openjdk-21-runtime. The extensive list of supported environment variables can be found here.


Example docker run option
Using another GC -e GC_CONTAINER_OPTIONS="-XX:+UseShenandoahGC" lets Nessie use Shenandoah GC instead of the default parallel GC.
Set the Java heap size to a fixed amount -e JAVA_OPTS_APPEND="-Xms8g -Xmx8g" lets Nessie use a Java heap of 8g.


Environment variable Description
JAVA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTIONS NOT RECOMMENDED. JVM options passed to the java command (example: “-verbose:class”). Setting this variable will override all options set by any of the other variables in this table. To pass extra settings, use JAVA_OPTS_APPEND instead.
JAVA_OPTS_APPEND User specified Java options to be appended to generated options in JAVA_OPTS (example: “”).
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS This variable is defined and honored by all OpenJDK distros, see here. Options defined here take precedence over all else; using this variable is generally not necessary, but can be useful e.g. to enforce JVM startup parameters, to set up remote debug, or to define JVM agents.
JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO Is used when no -Xmx option is given in JAVA_OPTS. This is used to calculate a default maximal heap memory based on a containers restriction. If used in a container without any memory constraints for the container then this option has no effect. If there is a memory constraint then -Xmx is set to a ratio of the container available memory as set here. The default is 50 which means 50% of the available memory is used as an upper boundary. You can skip this mechanism by setting this value to 0 in which case no -Xmx option is added.
JAVA_INITIAL_MEM_RATIO Is used when no -Xms option is given in JAVA_OPTS. This is used to calculate a default initial heap memory based on the maximum heap memory. If used in a container without any memory constraints for the container then this option has no effect. If there is a memory constraint then -Xms is set to a ratio of the -Xmx memory as set here. The default is 25 which means 25% of the -Xmx is used as the initial heap size. You can skip this mechanism by setting this value to 0 in which case no -Xms option is added (example: “25”)
JAVA_MAX_INITIAL_MEM Is used when no -Xms option is given in JAVA_OPTS. This is used to calculate the maximum value of the initial heap memory. If used in a container without any memory constraints for the container then this option has no effect. If there is a memory constraint then -Xms is limited to the value set here. The default is 4096MB which means the calculated value of -Xms never will be greater than 4096MB. The value of this variable is expressed in MB (example: “4096”)
JAVA_DIAGNOSTICS Set this to get some diagnostics information to standard output when things are happening. This option, if set to true, will set -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions. Disabled by default (example: “true”).
JAVA_DEBUG If set remote debugging will be switched on. Disabled by default (example: true”).
JAVA_DEBUG_PORT Port used for remote debugging. Defaults to 5005 (example: “8787”).
CONTAINER_CORE_LIMIT A calculated core limit as described in (example: “2”)
CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY Memory limit given to the container (example: “1024”).
GC_MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO Minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion.(example: “20”)
GC_MAX_HEAP_FREE_RATIO Maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking.(example: “40”)
GC_TIME_RATIO Specifies the ratio of the time spent outside the garbage collection.(example: “4”)
GC_ADAPTIVE_SIZE_POLICY_WEIGHT The weighting given to the current GC time versus previous GC times. (example: “90”)
GC_METASPACE_SIZE The initial metaspace size. (example: “20”)
GC_MAX_METASPACE_SIZE The maximum metaspace size. (example: “100”)
GC_CONTAINER_OPTIONS Specify Java GC to use. The value of this variable should contain the necessary JRE command-line options to specify the required GC, which will override the default of -XX:+UseParallelGC (example: -XX:+UseG1GC).
HTTPS_PROXY The location of the https proxy. (example: “myuser@”)
HTTP_PROXY The location of the http proxy. (example: “myuser@”)
NO_PROXY A comma separated lists of hosts, IP addresses or domains that can be accessed directly. (example: “,”)