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Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is an Apache Software Foundation project that provides a rich, relatively new table format. It provides:

  • Single table ACID transactions
  • Scalable metadata
  • Appends via file addition
  • Updates, deletes and merges via single record operations

Nessie works seamlessly with Iceberg in Spark3. Nessie is implemented as a custom Iceberg catalog and therefore supports all features available to any Iceberg client. This includes Spark structured streaming, Presto, Trino, Flink and Hive. See the Iceberg docs for more info. Current Nessie Iceberg integration includes the following:

Iceberg Extension Points

Iceberg exposes two primary classes for working with datasets. These are Catalog and TableOperations. Nessie implements each. These classes are available in the Iceberg source code and are available directly in Iceberg releases (eg spark-runtime, spark3-runtime, flink-runtime).

Iceberg Snapshots

Iceberg supports the concept of snapshots. Snapshots are point in time versions of a table and are managed as part of each commit operation. Snapshots are limited to single table versioning. Nessie versions and commits provide a broader set of snapshot capabilities as they support multiple tables. Nessie is happy to coexist with Iceberg Snapshots. When working with Nessie, Iceberg snapshots will also be versioned along the rest of Iceberg metadata within the Nessie commit model.

Automatic Snapshot Import

We are exploring the creation of a tool where a user can import table snapshots across multiple Iceberg tables into a single Nessie repository to capture historical data snapshots (interleaved across time).