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Migration Guide

The Nessie Quarkus CLI tool can be used to migrate a Nessie repository from one version store type to another, for example from MongoDB to Postgres. It can also be used to migrate from a legacy version store type to a new version store type.


The Nessie Quarkus CLI tool is an executable jar that can be used to interact with a Nessie database directly. It should not be confused with the Nessie CLI tool, which is a Python tool that is used to interact with Nessie servers.


Because support for legacy version store types was removed in Nessie 0.75, the migration process from a Nessie version < 0.75 to a Nessie version >= 0.75 requires a full repository migration prior to upgrading the Nessie server.

The migration process requires downtime of the Nessie server. The Nessie server must be stopped before the migration process starts and must not be started until the migration process has successfully completed.

Step-by-step guide

In this example we will assume an existing Nessie repository that uses the legacy version store type MONGO and we want to migrate to the new version store type MONGODB.


Even though the version store types are similar and backed by the same database (MongoDB in our example), the migration process still requires a full export of the Nessie repository and a full import into the new version store type, because the internal data structures are different.

Download the nessie-quarkus-cli-x.y.z-runner.jar corresponding to the old Nessie version, here we assume version 0.71.0:

curl -L -o nessie-quarkus-cli-0.71.0-runner.jar

Stop the Nessie server(s).

Export the legacy Nessie repository to a ZIP file. In this example we assume that the MongoDB database is called nessie-legacy and is hosted on a MongoDB instance available at

java \ \
  -Dquarkus.mongodb.database=nessie-legacy \
  -Dquarkus.mongodb.connection-string=mongodb://<user>:<password> \
  -jar nessie-quarkus-cli-0.71.0-runner.jar \
  export \
  --path "/tmp/export-$(date +'%Y-%d-%m').zip" \
  --commit-batch-size 1000

The --commit-batch-size option generally improves performance, but is not required.

The export process will take some time, depending on the size of the Nessie repository. You should see something like this:

Exporting from a MONGO version store...
Exporting commits...
100 commits exported.

Exporting named references...
1 named references exported.

Exported Nessie repository, 100 commits into 1 files, 1 named references into 1 files.

Once the export process has completed, the ZIP file will be available at /tmp/export-<date>.zip.

Download the nessie-server-admin-tool-x.y.z-runner.jar corresponding to the new Nessie version, here we assume version 0.94.2 (note: older versions have this tool under the name of nessie-quarkus-cli):

curl -L -o nessie-server-admin-tool-0.94.2-runner.jar

Create the MongoDB database to host the new Nessie repository. In this example we assume that the MongoDB database is called nessie and is hosted on the same MongoDB instance as the legacy Nessie repository.

Import the ZIP file into the new Nessie repository:

java \ \
  -Dquarkus.mongodb.database=nessie \
  -Dquarkus.mongodb.connection-string=mongodb:// \
  -jar nessie-server-admin-tool-0.94.2-runner.jar import \
  --path "/tmp/export-$(date +'%Y-%d-%m').zip" \
  --commit-batch-size 1000

The --commit-batch-size option generally improves performance, but is not required.

The import process will take some time, depending on the size of the Nessie repository. You should see something like this:

Importing into a MONGODB version store...
Export was created by Nessie version 0.71.0 on 2023-12-27T11:50:10.547Z, containing 1 named references (in 1 files) and 100 commits (in 1 files).
Preparing repository...
Importing 100 commits...
100 commits imported, total duration: PT0.113285209S.

Importing 1 named references...
1 named references imported, total duration: PT0.018604083S.

Finalizing import...
Import finalization finished, total duration: PT0.217375166S.

Imported Nessie repository, 100 commits, 1 named references.
Total duration: PT0.632381167S.

Once the import process has completed, the new Nessie repository is ready to be used. Change the Nessie server configuration to use the new version store type and the new MongoDB database by modifying the file (or equivalent environment variables) to contain:

Start the Nessie server(s).