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Management Services

Nessie can and needs to manage several operations within your data lake.

Each management service can be scheduled and Nessie reports the outcome of each operation.

Garbage Collection

Since Nessie is maintaining many versions of metadata and data-pointers simultaneously, you must rely on Nessie to clean up old data. Users should run Nessie GC regularly.

Nessie GC needs to know which content versions need to be retained. To identify this so called “live” content, Nessie GC uses some rules which are applied on each named reference. Those rules are described below.

Nessie GC is composed of multiple phases: 1. Identify (or “mark”) phase: Inspects the Nessie repository to identify all commits and content version (in Iceberg terms: a table’s snapshot). These so-called “content references” are stored as a live-content-set, ideally in a separate database (see below for compatible databases). This phase requires access to the Nessie repository, but does not require access to the data lake. 2. Expire (“sweep”) phase: Uses the actual table format (e.g. Iceberg) to map the content references from a live-content-set to a set of file-references, which are then matched against a recursive listing of all files for the respective tables. Files that are not contained in the set of file-references are going to be deleted. Deletion either happens immediately or is persisted in the live-content-set as a set of orphan files. 3. The delete phase can be split out of the expire phase, it basically means that orphan files are first collected, so these can be inspected, and then explicitly deleted.

All relevant operations required for Nessie GC can be run via the nessie-gc.jar tool, which can be downloaded from the release page on GitHub.


Currently the GC algorithm only works for Iceberg tables. A supported JDBC database is recommended as the storage for the live-content-sets.


Information about Nessie GC can be found here.

Nessie GC tool

It is recommended to run all Nessie GC phases via the Nessie GC command line tool nessie-gc.jar, which can be downloaded from the release page on GitHub.

The Nessie GC tool comes as an uber-jar packaged with everything you need to run Nessie GC against a data lake using Iceberg.


Use java -jar nessie-gc.jar help to get a list of commands supported by the Nessie GC tool.

Setting up the database for Nessie GC


The Nessie GC tool is compatible with the following databases: PostgreSQL (production-ready), MariaDB and MySQL (experimental at the moment).

You can create the tables in two ways:

Manually: use the DDL statements emitted by java -jar nessie-gc.jar show-sql-create-schema-script as a template that can be enriched with database specific optimizations.

Or alternatively, let the Nessie GC tool create the schema in your existing database, for example like this for PostgreSQL:

java -jar nessie-gc.jar create-sql-schema \
  --jdbc-url jdbc:postgresql:// \
  --jdbc-user pguser \
  --jdbc-password mysecretpassword


Instead of specifying the JDBC parameters, especially the password, everytime on the command line, most command line option values can be specified via environment variables. The naming scheme follows this Java pseudo-code: "NESSIE_GC_" + optionName.substring(2).replace('-', '_').toUpperCase(). For example, the --jdbc-password command line option’s value is taken from the environment variable NESSIE_GC_JDBC_PASSWORD.


The availability of the database for Nessie GC is not critical for Nessie itself. Nessie does not require anything from Nessie GC to continue to work.


For small, experimental Nessie repositories, that do not access any production data lake information, you can experiment with the java -jar nessie-gc.jar gc command, which also accepts the --inmemory command line option, which does not require an external database for live-content-set persistence. In fact, the --inmemory option does not persist anything and keeps the live-content-set information in memory. The gc command runs the identity, expire and delete phases sequentially.

Live content sets

All Nessie GC operations work on exactly one so-called “live content set”. Each live content set is composed of:

  • Unique ID each live-content-set is identified by a UUID. The java -jar nessie-gc.jar mark-live command emits the ID of the live-content-set to the console, but it’s recommended to write the new live-content-set ID to a file using the --write-live-set-id-to option. Other commands that work on a live-content-set allow reading the ID of the live-content-set using the command line option --read-live-set-id-from.
  • Status tracks the state and/or progress of a live-content-set and is used to know whether the identify and sweep phases started resp. ended and whether those finished successfully or with an error. If, for example, the identify phase did not finish successfully, the sweep phase cannot be started. A summary of the error message is stored with the live-content-set.
  • Timestamps of when the identify and expire phases started and completed.
  • collection of content-IDs as the result of the identify phase
  • set of content-references for each content-ID as the result of the identify phase
  • set of base-table-locations as the result of the sweep phase
  • set of file-references to be deleted as the result of the identify phase, if Nessie GC was told to defer deletes using the --defer-deletes command line option.

A couple of nessie-gc.jar commands allow the listing of all and inspection of individual live-content-sets. Those are:

  • list lists all live-content-sets, starting with the most recent live-set.
  • show shows information about one live-content-set, optionally with details about the content references or base-locations or deferred deletes.
  • list-deferred to show the file-references from a sweep phase with the --defer-deletes option.
  • deferred-deletes to delete the files referenced by file-references collected during a sweep phase with the --defer-deletes option.
  • delete deletes a live-content-set.

Running the mark (or identify) phase: Identifying live content references

The mark or identify phase is run via the mark-live (or identify as an alias) nessie-gc.jar command.

java -jar nessie-gc.jar mark-live \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example

It will walk the commits in all named references, and collect all content-references from the visited Nessie commits. So called “cut off policies” define, when the mark phase should stop walking the commit log for a named reference. The default “cut off policy” is NONE, which means that all Nessie commits and therefore all contents in the named references using the NONE policy are considered live.


Since the mark phase requires access to Nessie, make sure to use the --uri command line option to configure the Nessie endpoint and the --nessie-option command line option to configure additional Nessie client parameters, for example a bearer token. The Nessie repository is never modified by Nessie GC.


The mark phase does not access the data lake nor does it use Iceberg.

Cut off policies

Nessie GC supports three types of cut off policies:

  • NONE, not explicitly selectable via the CLI, it is the implicit default when a named reference has no matching policy. It means, there is no cut-off time, everything in the named reference is considered “live”.
  • by number of commits: The given number of most recent commits are considered live.
  • by cut off timestamp: All commits that are younger than the configured timestamp are considered live.
  • by cut off duration: Similar to cut off timestamp, all commits younger now - duration are considered live. In the Nessie GC tool, a duration is always converted to a timestamp using a common reference timestamp.

Relevant command line options for java -jar nessie-gc.jar mark-live (alias java -jar nessie-gc.jar identify):

  • --cutoff reference-name-regex=cut-off-policy the specified cut-off-policy is applied to all named references that match the given reference name regular expression.
  • --cutoff-ref-time Defaults to “now”, but can also be configured to another timestamp, if necessary.

Cut-off policies are parsed using the following logic and precedence:

  1. An integer number is translated to the cut-off-policy using number of commits.
  2. The string representation of a java.time.Duration is translated to a duration. Java durations string representation starts with P followed by the duration value. Examples:
    • P10D means 10 days
    • PT10H means 10 hours
  3. The string representation of a java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT is translated to an exact cut-off-timestamp. Example using UTC: 2011-12-03T10:15:30Z


Nessie GC’s mark phase processes up to 4 named references in parallel. This setting can be changed using the --identify-parallelism command line option.

Running the sweep (or expire) phase: Identifying live content references

Nessie GC’s sweep phase uses the actual table format, for example Iceberg, to map the collected live content references to live file references. The sweep phase operates on each content-ID. So it collects the live file references for each content ID. Those file references refer to Iceberg assets:

  • metadata files
  • manifest lists
  • manifest files
  • data files

After the expire phase identified the live file references for a content-ID, it collects all files in the base table locations. While traversing the base locations, it collects the files that are definitely not live file references. Those non-live file references are then deleted, aka immediate orphan files deletion.

As an alternative, the expire phase can just record the orphan files instead of immediately deleting those. This is called deferred deletion in Nessie GC.

Configuration options for Iceberg and Hadoop can be specified using the --iceberg and --hadoop options. Examples: --iceberg s3.access-key-id=S3_ACCESS_KEY and --hadoop fs.s3a.access.key=S3_ACCESS_KEY.

Example of running the expire command follows.

java -jar nessie-gc.jar expire --live-set-id 0baaa1ff-90db-4ee5-b6d2-b60aea148c76 \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example

Example of running an expire with deferred deletion:

java -jar nessie-gc.jar expire --live-set-id 0baaa1ff-90db-4ee5-b6d2-b60aea148c76 \
  --defer-deletes \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example

# You can inspect the files to be deleted this way ...
java -jar nessie-gc.jar list-deferred --live-set-id 0baaa1ff-90db-4ee5-b6d2-b60aea148c76 \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example

# ... or this way
java -jar nessie-gc.jar show --live-set-id 0baaa1ff-90db-4ee5-b6d2-b60aea148c76 \
  --with-deferred-deletes \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example

# Now perform the file deletions
java -jar nessie-gc.jar deferred-deletes --live-set-id 0baaa1ff-90db-4ee5-b6d2-b60aea148c76 \
  --jdbc... # JDBC settings omitted in this example


The sweep phase does not access Nessie. It does use Iceberg and accesses the data lake. If deferred deletion is requested, no files will be deleted.


Since data lakes can easily contain a huge amount of files, the expire phase does not remember every live data file (see the Iceberg assets above) individually, but uses a probabilistic data structure (bloom filter). The default settings expect, for each content ID, 1,000,000 files and uses a false-positive-probability of 0.0001 (those defaults may change, but can be inspected with java -jar nessie-gc.jar help expire). The expire phase will abort, if it hits a content-ID that massively exceeds the configured false-positive-probability, because it hits way more live file references.


Nessie GC’s expire phase processes up to 4 content-IDs in parallel. This setting can be changed using the --expiry-parallelism command line option.

It is highly recommended to use one of the supported databases to persist the live-content-sets. Running the different Nessie GC phases separately is only supported with such a database.

Make yourself familiar with all the commands offered by nessie-gc.jar and the available command line options. It is safe to run java -jar nessie-gc.jar mark-live, because it is non-destructive. Use java -jar nessie-gc.jar show --with-content-references to inspect the collected live content references.

Use deferred deletion and inspect the files to be deleted before running java -jar nessie-gc.jar deferred-deletes.

Use separate invocations for the mark, the sweep and the deferred deletion phases.


As briefly mentioned above, the java -jar nessie-gc.jar gc command can be used to combine the mark and sweep phases, optionally using the --inmemory option.

gc is equivalent to first running identify and then expire, and it takes the same set of command line options.


Nessie GC tool emits the log output at INFO level. The default log level for the console can be overridden using the Java system property log.level.console, for example using the following command:

java -Dlog.level.console=DEBUG -jar nessie-gc.jar