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Configure Nessie with Iceberg REST


Support for Iceberg REST is currently considered experimental in Nessie!

With Iceberg REST, Nessie manages the metadata of the tables and views. On top, Nessie provides mechanisms like S3 request signing and S3 session credentials. Using Nessie with Iceberg therefore requires Nessie to have access to your object store.

The object stores used by tables and views need to be defined in the Nessie configuration, for example using the following configuration example snippet:


Nessie requires at least one object store and one warehouse to be configured before you can use Nessie’s Iceberg REST integration.

# Default/global S3 configuration settings
# For non-AWS S3 you need to specify the endpoint and possibly enable path-style-access

# S3 configuration settings that are different for "bucket1"

See Server configuration Reference.


Up to Nessie including version 0.91.2 the above property names had to be specified without the default-options. part.


Secrets can be encrypted using config encryption available in Quarkus. We do plan to support other secrets management systems.


The above S3 credentials (access key ID + secret access key) are never passed exposed to a client.


GCS and ADLS object store can be configured, but are considered “experimental” at the moment.

In addition to an object store, see the S3 example above, Nessie needs at least a default warehouse to be configured.


Seamless migration from “Nessie” to “Nessie with Iceberg REST”

You can safely use your current Nessie applications, those that use type=nessie when using Iceberg, concurrently with applications using Nessie via Iceberg REST (type=rest with a URI like uri=

Migrate an Iceberg client configuration

To migrate existing Iceberg clients that use the NessieCatalog to use Nessie via Iceberg REST refer to the following table.

Iceberg option Old value New value Description/notes
type nessie rest Change the catalog type from “nessie” to “rest”.
catalog-impl ...NessieCatalog Use type = rest
uri http://.../api/v2 (or v1) http://.../iceberg Replace api/v1 or api/v2 with iceberg
ref Nessie branch name n/a Migrate to prefix option
prefix n/a Nessie branch name (optional) Migrate from the ref option
warehouse * n/a Migrate object store configurations to the Nessie server configuration
io * n/a Migrate object store configurations to the Nessie server configuration
(all S3/GCS/ADLS settings) Remove all object store settings


Current Iceberg REST clients do not support the OAuth2 authorization code and device code flows, like Nessie does!

Only Bearer and client-ID/secret work. We recommend bearer tokens over client-ID/client-secret configuration to not put those credentials at the risk of being compromised - it is easier to revoke a single bearer token than to change a password used by many applications. Keep in mind that bearer token are only valid for some given period of time.

We want to contribute the advanced OAuth2 functionality that already exists for Nessie client to Apache Iceberg.


  • The (base) location of tables created via Iceberg REST are mandated by Nessie, which will choose the table’s location underneath the location of the warehouse.
  • Changes to the table base location are ignored.
  • Nessie will always return only the Iceberg table snapshot that corresponds to the Nessie commit. This solves the mismatch between Nessie commits and Iceberg snapshot history. Similarly Nessie returns the Iceberg view version corresponding to the Nessie commit.

Nessie CLI

The Nessie CLI has been enhanced with basic support for Iceberg REST when used with Nessie. It will transparently connect with Iceberg REST as well. You can also use the Iceberg REST base URI instead of the Nessie REST base URI.


If you use CONNECT TO USING "nessie.authentication.type" = BEARER, Nessie CLI will prompt you for the bearer token. If you use CONNECT TO USING "token" = "<bearer token>"", Nessie CLI will use bearer authorization for both Nessie and Iceberg REST APIs.