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Commit Kernel

Nessie’s production commit kernel is optimized to provide high commit throughput against a distributed key value store that provides record level CAS (compare-and-swap) capability or transactional/relational databases. The commit kernel is the heart of Nessie’s operations and enables it to provide lightweight creation of new tags/branches, merges, and rebases, all with very high concurrent commit rate.

High level abstract

Nessie 1.0 comes with a version store (aka commit kernel) implementation that is different from both Git and older Nessie version store implementations in Nessie versions before 1.0 and is abstracted as illustrated below. Nessie generally supports both non-transactional key-value databases and transactional databases (relational).

The goal of all implementations is to spread the keys as much as possible, so data can be properly distributed, and to keep the number of operations against a database low to reduce operation time.

Contention by itself is not avoidable, because operations against Nessie are guaranteed to be atomic and consistent.

Nessie Content Types

The state of so called Content objects like IcebergTable or DeltaLakeTable represents the current state of a table in a data lake. Whenever a table has changed via for example Iceberg, a so-called commit operation instructs Nessie to record the new state in a Nessie commit, which carries the Content object(s).

IcebergTable contains the pointer to Iceberg’s table metadata plus the IDs of the snapshot, schema, partition spec, sort order defined in the table metadata. - Iceberg’s table metadata manages information is stored in the Nessie commit. - The value of the snapshot-ID, schema-ID, partition-spec-ID, sort-order-ID is stored per Nessie named reference (branch or tag). For more information, please refer the spec On Reference State vs Global State

Updating global-state and on-reference-state are technically operations against two different entities in Nessie’s backend database. Classic, relational databases (usually) come with a transaction manager, which ensures that changes to different tables appear atomically to other users. Much more scalable key-value stores do not have a transaction manager, but usually only provide so-called “Compare-and-Swap” (CAS) operations, which conditionally update a single key-value pair. This means, that the data model has to be fundamentally different for non-transactional key-value stores and transactional databases. Support for non-transactional databases, the data model, is designed in a way that only requires a single CAS operation to ensure atomicity and consistency even when committing two logical entities, namely the global-state and the on-reference-state, respectively the update to the “HEAD” of the updated branch. Some more details are outlined below.

Version Store and Database Adapters

The information on this page is outdated. DatabaseAdapter has been replaced with Persist along with its own VersionStore implementation.

Nessie’s REST API implementation works against the VersionStore interface, which defines the contract for the REST API, deals with concrete contents objects like IcebergTable or DeltaLakeTable.

PersistVersionStore is an implementation of VersionStore and translates between the content type objects like IcebergTable or DeltaLakeTable and the “binary” (think: “BLOB”) representation in the database adapters.

DatabaseAdapter interface defining the content type independent mechanisms to perform Nessie operations like commit, transplants and merges as well as retrieving data.

AbstractDatabaseAdapter implements the commit logic, commit conflict detection and operations to retrieve information. There are these subclasses:

  • NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter is used as a base for key-value stores.
  • Implementation for DynamoDB
  • Implementation for MongoDB
  • Implementation for RocksDB
  • Implementation for InMemory
  • TransactionalDatabaseAdapter JDBC based implementation relying on relational database transactions for conflict resolution (rollback).
  • SQL/DDL/type definitions for Postgres, Cockroach, H2

Non-transactional key-value databases

The information on this page is outdated. “global state” has been removed from Nessie.

The data model for non-transactional key-value databases relies on a single global-state-pointer, which is technically a table with a single row pointing to the current entry in the global-log, current entry in the ref-log and the “HEAD”s of all named references (branches and tags).

The global-log contains changes to global-state, which is needed for backwards compatibility.

The ref-log contains the history with details of operations like COMMIT, MERGE, TRANSPLANT, CREATE_REFERENCE, DELETE_REFERENCE, ASSIGN_REFERENCE.

The commit-log contains the individual Nessie commits.

All commit, transplant and merge operations as well as other write operations like creating, reassigning or deleting a named reference work inside a so-called “CAS loop”, which technically works like the following pseudocode. A CAS operation can be imagined as an SQL like UPDATE global_pointer SET value = :new_value WHERE primary_key = 1 AND value = :expected_value.

// Pseudo definition of a Nessie write operation like a commit, merge, transplant, createReference,
// assignReference, deleteReference.
FunctionResult nessieWriteOperation(parameters...) {
  while (true) {
    globalPointer = loadGlobalPointer();

    // Try the actual operation.
    // Return the keys of the optimistically written rows in the commit log and global log,
    // the changes to the global pointer and the result to be returned to the caller.
    optimisticallyWrittenRows, updatesToGlobalPointer, functionResult
      = performNessieWriteOperation(globalPointer, parameters);

    // Try the CAS operation on the global pointer.
    success = tryUpdateGlobalPointer(globalPointer, updatesToGlobalPointer);

    if (success) {
      // If the CAS oepration was successfully applied, return the function's result to the user.
      return functionResult;

    // CAS was not successful
    if (!retryPolicy.allowsRetry()) {
      throw new RetryFailureException();

Transactional databases

The data model for transactional databases defines tables for

  • the global-state, where the primary key is the globally unique content-id and the value of the global-state,
  • the named-references, which define the commit hash/id of the “HEAD” of each named reference,
  • the commit-log, which contains all commits
  • the ref-log contains the history with details of operations like COMMIT, MERGE, TRANSPLANT, CREATE_REFERENCE, DELETE_REFERENCE, ASSIGN_REFERENCE.
  • the ref-log-head contains current head of the ref_log entry.

All commit, transplant and merge operations as well as other write operations like creating, reassigning or deleting a named reference work inside a so-called “operation loop”, which is rather somewhat similar to the “CAS loop” for non-transactional databases, but does not need to keep track of optimistically written data and can directly use conditional SQL DML statements like UPDATE table SET col = :value WHERE key = :key AND col = :expected_value resp. INSERT INTO.... The database then comes back with either an update count > 0 to indicate success or an update count = 0 to indicate failure or an integrity constraint violation error.

Tracing & Metrics

Two delegating implementations of the VersionStore interface exist to provide metrics and tracing using Micrometer and OpenTracing.

Implemented database adapters

All current implementations are based on the abstractions in the Maven modules :nessie-versioned-persist-adapter + either :nessie-versioned-persist-non-transactional (for key-value stores) or :nessie-versioned-persist-transactional (for relational/transactional databases).

  • Non-transactional
  • InMemory (testing and prototyping)
  • RocksDB
  • MongoDB
  • DynamoDB (planned)
  • Transactional
  • H2
  • Postgres

Note: not all database adapters are available via Nessie running via Quarkus!

Nessie logic vs database specific adapters

The whole logic around commits, merges, transplants, fetching keys and values resides in AbstractDatabaseAdapter and is shared across all kinds of database adapters.

Database adapters, for both transactional and non-transactional databases, have the database specific implementations around the CAS loop for non-transactional, catching integrity constraint violations for transactional, the concrete physical data model and the concrete read & write implementations.

Logical Data model

The DatabaseAdapter interface defines the functions needed by the version store implementation to access the data.

Implementations of DatabaseAdapter are free to implement their own optimizations.


Implementations are based on NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter and only implement the database specific “primitives” to unconditionally read and write records and perform the mandatory CAS (compare-and-swap) operation.

Key-value stores are all non-transactional as those are built for scale-out. Most key-value stores support atomic CAS (compare-and-swap) operations against a single row/record, but atomic and conditional updates to multiple rows/records is either not supported at all or extremely slow.

Nessie differentiates between content types that do require so called global-state and those that do not. Global-state is maintained globally and evaluated when a content value object is being retrieved, combined with the requested on-reference state on a Nessie commit. For Nessie commits, which are atomic, this means that Nessie has to update both the global-state and the on-reference-state for a content type that requires global state. While this is not an issue with a relational/transactional database, it is an issue in a key-value store. Nessie solves this with a single “global pointer”, which is updated using a CAS operation.

Nessie commits (and similar operations like “transplant” and “merge”) optimistically write all the data to the commit log and global state log first and then try to perform the CAS operation against the global pointer. If the CAS operation succeeds, the Nessie commit operation has succeeded. If the CAS operation failed, all optimistically written rows are deleted and the whole Nessie commit is retried.

The logical data model shared by all non-transactional database adapters consists of five entities:

  • Global-pointer a single “table row” that points to the current global-state-log and all HEADs for all named references. Consistent updates are guaranteed via a CAS operation on this entity comparing the HEAD of the global-state-log.
  • Commit-log contains all commit log entries, identified by a deterministic hash. This is the same as for transactional databases.
  • Global-state-log contains all changes to the global state for content types that do require global state. The row keys are random IDs.
  • Key-lists acts as an “overflow” for large key lists that do not fit entirely into a single commit log entry’s embedded key list.
  • Ref-log contains the history with details of operations like COMMIT, MERGE, TRANSPLANT, CREATE_REFERENCE, DELETE_REFERENCE, ASSIGN_REFERENCE.


Implementations are based on TxDatabaseAdapter and currently only implement the database specific nuances in the SQL syntax and Nessie data type mappings.

The data for transactional database adapters consists of six tables:

  • Named-references contains all named references and their current HEAD, the latter is used to guarantee consistent updates.
  • Global-state contains the current global state for a contents ID for content types that require global state. Consistent changes are guaranteed by tracking a checksum
  • value of the contents of the value representing the global state.
  • Commit-log contains all commit log entries, identified by a deterministic hash. This is the same as for non-transactional databases.
  • Key-lists acts as an “overflow” for large key lists that do not fit entirely into a single commit log entry’s embedded key list.
  • Ref-log contains the history with details of operations like COMMIT, MERGE, TRANSPLANT, CREATE_REFERENCE, DELETE_REFERENCE, ASSIGN_REFERENCE.
  • Ref-log-head contains current head of the ref_log entry.


The non-transactional and transactional variants have different performance characteristics. As outlined above, the non-transactional variant uses a central global pointer and the transactional variant leverages the transaction manager of the database.

The implementation can perform many hundred to many thousand commits per second, depending on the performance of the backend database and the characteristics of the use case. The two important factors are:

  • Concurrent commits against different branches are “faster” than concurrent commits against a single branch
  • Concurrent commits against the same table (think: Iceberg or Deltalake table) are slower than concurrent commits against different tables.

Gatling Benchmarks

Nessie has a framework to simulate “higher level use cases” using Gatling. See the readmes here and here. Please note that all kinds of performance tests are only meaningful in production-like environments using production-like use cases.


There are microbenchmarks available, which can be useful to investigate the overall performance of a database. Please note that performance tests, even microbenchmarks, are only meaningful in production-like environments using production-like use cases. See Nessie Persistence Microbenchmarks .

Retry Mechanism

All write operations do support retries. Retries happen, if a non-transactional CAS operation failed or a transactional DML operation ran into an “integrity constraint violation”. Both the number of retries and total time for the operation are bounded. There is an (exponentially increasing) sleep time between two tries. The actual values for the retry mechanism are configurable.