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Java Client

Nessie has a thin client designed to be incorporated into existing projects with minimum difficulty. The client is a thin layer over Nessie’s openapi Rest APIs.

To use the Nessie client, you can add it as a dependency to your Java project using Maven. The coordinates are:


For ease of integration with tools that carry many dependencies, the Nessie client’s dependencies are declared as optional. It is designed to work with any recent version of JAX-RS client (Jersey and Resteasy are both tested inside Nessie’s tests) + Jackson’s DataBinding and JAX-RS modules (any version from the last ~3+ years).


The NessieClientBuilder and concrete builder implementations (such as HttpClientBuilder) provide an easy way of configuring and building a NessieApi. The currently stable API that should be used is NessieApiV2, which can be instantiated as shown below:

import java.util.List;
import org.projectnessie.client.api.NessieApiV2;
import org.projectnessie.client.NessieClientBuilder;
import org.projectnessie.model.Reference;

NessieApiV2 api = NessieClientBuilder.createClientBuilder(null, null)


The following subsections will outline how different actions can be done via that Nessie API.

Fetching details about a particular Reference

Fetches the Reference object of the main branch and then gets its hash


Creating a Reference

Creates a new branch dev that points to the main branch

Reference main = api.getReference().refName("main").get();
Reference branch =
        .reference(Branch.of("dev", main.getHash()))

Creates a new tag dev-tag that points to the main branch

Reference main = api.getReference().refName("main").get();
Reference tag =
        .reference(Tag.of("dev-tag", main.getHash()))

Assigning a Reference

Assigns a previously created devBranch2 to the dev branch

Reference dev = api.getReference().refName("dev").get();

Assigns a previously created dev-tag to the dev branch

Reference dev = api.getReference().refName("dev").get();

Deleting a Reference

Deletes a previously created branch


Deletes a previously created tag


Fetching the Server Configuration

NessieConfiguration config = api.getConfig();


Creates a new commit by adding metadata for an IcebergTable under the specified ContentKey instance represented by key and deletes content represented by key2

ContentKey key = ContentKey.of("your-namespace", "your-table-name");
ContentKey key2 = ContentKey.of("your-namespace2", "your-table-name2");
IcebergTable icebergTable = IcebergTable.of("path1", 42L);
    .operation(Put.of(key, icebergTable))
    .commitMeta(CommitMeta.fromMessage("commit 1"))

Fetching Content

Fetches the content for a single ContentKey

ContentKey key = ContentKey.of("your-namespace", "your-table-name");
Map<ContentKey, Content> map = api.getContent().key(key).refName("dev").get();

Fetches the content for multiple ContentKey instances

List<ContentKey> keys =
  ContentKey.of("your-namespace1", "your-table-name1"),
  ContentKey.of("your-namespace1", "your-table-name2"),
  ContentKey.of("your-namespace2", "your-table-name3"));
Map<ContentKey, Content> allContent = api.getContent().keys(keys).refName("dev").get();

Fetching the Commit Log

Fetches the commit log for the dev reference

LogResponse log = api.getCommitLog().refName("dev").get();

Fetching Entries

Fetches the entries for the dev reference

EntriesResponse entries = api.getEntries().refName("dev").get();


This merges fromBranch into the given intoBranch



Transplant/cherry-pick a bunch of commits from main into the dev branch

Branch dev = ...


Nessie has multiple NessieAuthenticationProvider implementations that allow different client authentication mechanisms as can be seen below. The documentation for how to configure Nessie server authentication can be found here.

When configured with authentication enabled, a Nessie server expects every HTTP request to contain a valid Bearer token in an Authorization header. Two authentication providers allow a Nessie client to automatically add the required token to the HTTP requests:

  1. The BearerAuthenticationProvider is the simplest one and directly takes the Bearer token as a parameter; the token must be valid for the entire duration of the client’s lifetime:

    NessieApiV2 api =
      NessieClientBuilder.createClientBuilder(null, null)
  2. The Oauth2AuthenticationProvider is more elaborate; at a minimum, it takes an OAuth2 token endpoint URI, a Client ID and a Client Secret, and uses them to obtain an access token from the token endpoint, which is then used as a Bearer token to authenticate against Nessie:

    Map<String, String> authConfig =
            CONF_NESSIE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID, "my_client_id",
            CONF_NESSIE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET, "very_secret");
    NessieApiV2 api =
        NessieClientBuilder.createClientBuilder(null, null)
    Since Nessie 0.75.1, the Oauth2AuthenticationProvider can also be configured programmatically; this can be convenient if it’s necessary to supply a custom SSL context, a custom executor or custom Jackson object mapper:
    URI tokenEndpointUri = ...;
    SSLContext sslContext = ...;
    ExecutorService executor = ...;
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = ...;
    OAuth2AuthenticatorConfig authConfig =
    NessieApiV2 api =
        NessieClientBuilder.createClientBuilder(null, null)

The main advantage of the Oauth2AuthenticationProvider over BearerAuthenticationProvider is that the token is automatically refreshed when it expires. It has more configuration options, which are documented in the Tools Configuration section.