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Nessie is developed as a consensus-driven open source product under the Apache 2.0 license. Development is done in the open leveraging GitHub issues, PRs and using Google Groups as a mailing list.

Get In Touch

Zulip Chat
The developers on Nessie frequent the project’s Zulip Chat. Use this link to join.
Group Discussion
If long form is more your thing, we also have created a mailing list on Google groups that you can subscribe to.
GitHub Issues
Nessie is developed via GitHub issues and pull requests. If you see a problem or want to enhance the product, we suggest you file a GitHub issue for developers to review.
The @projectnessie account on Twitter is our official account. Follow-up to keep to date on what is happening with Project Nessie!
Video content for Nessie will be hosted on our YouTube channel.
Our website is all maintained in our source repository. If there is something you think can be improved, feel free to fork our repository and post a pull request.


All contributors are welcome to Project Nessie. To get started, feel free to introduce yourself on Zulip or our Google Group. Nessie is open to everyone!

Please see the guide for more information on how to contribute.