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Nessie Blog site reorg

The web site became a bit hard to navigate and was missing a functionality to show the documentation/reference for particular Nessie releases. The reorg also reduced the amount of “tabs” from 9 to 5 and reorganized the content quite a bit, solving the issue that information is where site visitors would expect it to be.

Introducing Nessie as a Dremio Source

Nessie is an open-source lakehouse catalog that enables git-like workflows and cross-table transactions on the lakehouse. Today, we’re excited to announce that companies can now use Dremio to connect and work with Nessie as a source.

Rolling upgrade issue to 0.26.0


During or after a rolling upgrade from Nessie version <= 0.25.0 to >= 0.26.0, exceptions/errors like org.projectnessie.versioned.ReferenceNotFoundException: Global log entry '<hex>’ not does not exist. and/or Iceberg content from reference must have global state, but has none may occur.